Small Press Portal

Camden Town has always been famous for its creativity and diversity. Our team at Mega City Comics is committed to keep that spirit alive through the wonderful medium of sequential art!

Meet the fantastic indipendent writers and artists exhibiting their creations in our store!

You can find all these comics on our dedicated small press page HERE!

Arks Proximan

Adam and Eve meets Ridley Scott's Alien!

ARKS is a groundbreaking science faction comic book series, 10 years in the making where our descendants migrate to extrasolar planets, not in spacecraft, but in bacteria.

Our core series ARKS follows 'Lilith and Joseph' two planetary engineers (Arks) grappling with the realisation that the terraforming process might have inadvertently turned their exoplanet into a bomb.
ARKS PROXIMAN is our sensational new 'spin-off' that follows Odd Bluford; the first exonatal human coming face to face with a demon; a girl from Earth.
(1 Issue of 6 published)

Rory Collins is an award winning film designer and storyboard artist who during Covid decided to adapt one of his film scripts into a graphic novel. Four years and five books later his science fiction series ARKS is a Kickstarter hit and he is now making comics (kinda full-time) until ARKS becomes a huge success or he flames out.

Erich Owen is a cartoonist who has been creating visual stories for more years than he cares to share. His first graphic novel series, Mail Order Ninja, which he co-created and illustrated was published in 2005-2006 by Tokyopop. Since then he has been creating visual stories for companies like Viper Comics, IDW, Andrews McMeel, CBS and DC Comics. For the last six years he has been working with DC Comics from his home in San Diego, where he lives with his wife, two teen daughters, and six cats(!). Oh, and one time Erich ate lunch with Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner, to discuss a comic project; Erich says, "He was great!"

arks proximan

Chemo Freak

Written & Drawn by Olly Duke

WHAT do you do when you have cancer, you’re going through an emotional roller-coaster, you’re in and out of hospital, you’re having
chemotherapy and you’re a cartoonist with a bent for black humour? Answer: you create your alter ego and his nightmare best friend. And so Chemo Freak and Ratzo were born.
This little comic book will take you through the lows and (sometimes) highs of living with the disease. The Freak needs Ratzo like a hole in the head, but without the ridiculous fucking rodent he’d surely sink into a black hole of despair and nothingness.
Cancer is not a whole lotta fun but, as Ratzo says: Always look on the bright side of life!

Olly Duke has been a cartoonist and illustrator for as long as he can remember, which happens to be a very long time. He sold his first
toon to the Times Educational Supplement at the tender age of 16 for the princely sum of £16 (that was in 1968!). He drew anti-
apartheid strips for his student newspaper while at university in South Africa, which eventually got his work banned, and went on to
illustrate and cartoon for numerous newspapers and magazines after his arrival in the UK, including Socialist Worker, African Business, The Guardian, Motorcycle News, Bike magazine and a whole lot more.

chemo freak

Exploration In The Wisker World

Written and Drawn by Geoff Goss

Researchers at London South Bank University and Manchester Metropolitan University have been investigating how different mammals use their whiskers for a decade. The research is multidisciplinary, in the sense that the author is from an engineering background, whilst the other investigators are based in the biological sciences. The author's speciality is on the nonlinear mechanics of long slender objects - rods, cables, beams. He applied that to whiskers. Many challenges emerge -- how to model them mathematically, how they work, what signals go to the brain, and why some creatures have them and others do not. But he likes animals more than he likes engineering! He also likes drawing and painting. So this comic came out of many years of theoretical research into whiskers. He found that once you open the door into whisker world, you find many other doors to open and he hopes this little book conveys something of that adventure. Hope you enjoy it.

exploration in the wisker world

The Holos

Written by James Vincent
Drawn by Willem Hampson

Private Detective Joseph Flood spends more of his time in cocktail bars than he spends working on cases. Flood leaves most of his day-to-day work to his holographic digital avatar, Joe. Everyone in this future version of China has a “Holo” to help maximise their work productivity - in fact, it’s illegal not to have one. However, this doesn’t stop a growing underground movement of people from wanting to disconnect from these ultra-efficient and idealised digital versions of themselves.

James is a Barcelona-based writer originally from London. His fiction and non-fiction have been featured in online publications, Shelf Heroes, In Shades Magazine, and White Rabbit Books-affiliated The Social Gathering. He is also an award-winning screenwriter. ‘Influencers Anonymous’ - a multi-award- winning short film he wrote and produced in 2019, has been an official selection at over a dozen international film festivals, with the screenplay winning several in-competition awards.

Willem Hampson is an artist based in London. His illustration work has been commissioned by the likes of Wizards of the Coast, The Guardian, The Royal West of England Academy and various other cultural and historical publications. His comics debut was a short biopic piece on the English poet, Thomas Chatterton, made in collaboration with writer, ILYA, and published by Bristol Ideas for their 2020 ‘A Poetic City’ festival. Willem has since had a number of comics projects in development. ‘The Holos’ is his first collaboration with James Vincent.

Follow Willem right HERE

the holos

The Selfish Dream

Written by Om Lekha
Drawn by Blinky4

Reason and religion are locked in struggle, grappling like giants in the human mind. Genomics, theocracy, fundamentalism, technocratic absolutism, intelligent design, social engineering, war, terror, factories, battlefields, birth, death, belief, proof: the flames rage. The human story is entwined with the fevered religious imagination, just as it is compelled by the staggering discoveries
of science and technology.
So where are comic books in all this? From the mind of visionary ideologue Om Lekha and the pen of master illuminator Blinky 4 comes
their first comic book collaboration, The Selfish Dream.
A journey through the life and times of one of the foremost public intellectuals of our time, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins; a journey to the end of life, and beyond, far beyond...

Through bold storytelling and fine draftsmanship, The Selfish Dream recalls British golden age comics like the Beano and Dandy while taking on the biological determinist account of life itself through its most powerful advocate. Dawkins' life is shown through his own terms of reference, a simple tale of the biological everyman, from conception to death. A death that introduces you, dear reader, to the world of a mysterious protagonist who will take you on a new journey through the half-remembered scenes of our cultural dreamscape - gothic horror, grand guignol, Hitchcockian mystery, Hergé's clear line style and Charles Burns' dark pool style, Kubrick's glassy reserve and the pantheistic sublime - to descend rapidly through the tangled roots of the magical imagination and into the psychosexual prometheanism that fires the human mind. Like the frozen ecstasy of a hidden frieze on some lost temple in the tantric jungle.
Tis a good old yarn that inexorably pulls you into the workings behind the world, the wiring beneath
the floorboards. Really, all this in one comic? Read it and discover!

The Selfish Dream a cosmic trigger disguised as a comic book

The Selfish Dream a pop cultural Bull issued by a Gnostic pope

The Selfish Dream NO WAR BUT THE MEME WAR!

Om Lekha is composer of the meme-symphony MOUNTAINS OF FLAME AT THE EDGE OF A GREY DESERT. Available in inverse order via

You can find him HERE

the selfish dream

Mythical Monster Stories

Written & Drawn by Peter Dobbin

Beautiful illustrations and exciting adventure stories to explain the history and diversity of different cultures from all around the world.

Mythical Monsters Stories is a graphic novel/Encyclopaedia which takes different mythical creatures from around the world and examines their backgrounds and cultures. Each creature has a short and exciting graphic novel adventure too.
Peter has written 40 short stories featuring monsters such as the Troll, Basilisk and the Azure Dragon; "I've really enjoyed writing stories that explore different cultures, morality tales and comments on the environment. I studied individual mythical monsters and then wrote entertaining and dramatic short stories."

You can read all about Peter's book HERE

mythical monster stories

The Spirit Tracers

Kickstarter for issue #2 of Spirit Tracers now live HERE

spirit tracers


Out beyond the Yellow and Blue galaxies on the edge of space, lies an area called the Outer Extremity: a densely populated region where bad energy thrives. Every dark idea or action finds its way here.

This entire mass has plans to expand its tentacles of form across the whole of the Crystal Star System, and to weaken it by formulating a triangle of terror by infecting two individuals named Tetra and Rafflesia to initially help with the dirty work.

Our epic story begins at Crystal City where an impending disaster is a hair’s breadth away from causing havoc. For a chosen few there is a slight glimmer of hope, below ground, where a motorised crystal pod is waiting to hopefully whisk some of them away to a safer haven.

As the story progresses, we find that fate has an unusual way of playing out and calling the shots.

There is a magical realm where spirit tracing exists and contact is made to unborn youngsters who travel to this special place, where they are trained, some of whom become guardian angels who help good energy to thrive around a planet’s force field, acting as a grid of light. Their main role is to stop the fallen angel’s work of the Hellish Root Triangle, who intends to weaken a planet’s outer sphere and then wipe out several of them, as they feel the universe is too cluttered.

Having already annihilated planet Touros in another part of the galaxy, they have planet Gaia on their radar next, which promotes extraordinarily strong energy.



Walk through the London of our minds, along the cracked pavements, through bedrooms and time, tracing the Thames all the way to a chicken’s revenge.

Reporting from inside the M25, 12 artists who met at the Graphic Narratives course at the Royal Drawing School in 2021, explore different facets of their London experience in this versatile collection.

Published by @beforehandpublishing , with contributions from @_r_a_f_t_, @groupcritpowerdynamics, @jenniferleighblaine, @le__blue, @louisehreynolds, @olapiktus, @cassidyray, @thebookofsarahlightman, @shanapoly, @theochaudoir, @tomcubitt


The Panharmonion Chronicles

Written by Henry Chebaane
Drawn by Stephen Baskerville

Alex Campbell is a Canadian musician struggling with a conflicted identity, a tragic past and repressed supernatural abilities.
Orphaned at a young age, life was never easy on her and is about to get a lot worse. Alex is a primed time bomb in search of a fuse.
Following the inheritance of a decaying 19th century London house from a mysterious ancestor, she moves to Camden, hoping for a new life and a better future.
Soon, her renovation plans are being undermined by agents of a shadowy corporation with ancient roots and a malevolent agenda.
While resisting their increasingly hostile actions, Alex makes some shocking discoveries about her past, her family and herself that changes her grip on reality.
The hostilities soon escalate into violent confrontations, unveiling a doomsday supremacist conspiracy, hidden under the surface of two London cities, England and Ontario.
It’s just a question of time before it spreads across the world. Alex is the only one who can stand in their way.
If she makes it in time.

TIMES OF LONDON, the debut novel of artist and designer Henry Chebaane, from his trilogy THE PANHARMONION CHRONICLES, is a gritty thriller that grapples
with philosophical questions about the nature of time, reality, and identity.Masterfully illustrated by veteran graphic artist Stephen Baskerville (Spider-man, Transformers, Judge Dredd, Doctor Who),
the heady blend of science-fiction, horror and alternative history is spliced through with occasional hints of wry humour, pop culture and homage to music lovers of all genres.
This beautiful 196-page soft cover book, published by Supanova Media has been printed in England in oversized format on premium silk paper.

For more informations about this unique graphic novel click HERE

the panharmonion chronicles


Cuddles –A Last Chance Crime
StoryWriter and Letterer –Jed McPherson Artist –Marco PeruginiColourist –ShanBennion

Cuddles’life ain’t too difficult. He’s got a cushy job collecting protection money for a local crime boss. But after he’s partnered up with the boss’ son things start to go sideways. First,he finds out that his partner has been skimming off the top and then, even worse,the FBI are hot on their trail.
Cuddles quickly finds that he has to play all sides against each other in order to survive. Cuddlesis a story of divided loyalty and self-preservation. It’s about trying to do the right thing when you’ve spent your entire life doing the opposite. It’s about survival and what that can end up costing you.

32 page -Full colour–Comic

Jed McPherson is a comic writer. He’s mostly known for Deadbeat: a neo noir thriller about a deatbeat dad trying to reconnect with his daughter through armed robbery. He also wrote Jacob - a serial killer comic which he assures us is 100% not autobiographical.
But he doesn’t just write crime comics he’s also worked on The Show – a deranged reality-tv satire kind of like the Truman Show as envisaged by Hunter S. Thompson.

You can find him HERE. There are comics there you’ll probably like it.

Marco Perugini is an illustrator. He’s worked for companies including Nokia, Fox, D&G, IBM, Iveco and RAI.
His comics work includes Morgan Lost for italian publisher Sergio Bonelli, and Black Cotton for Scout Comics. He’s also worked with international publishers, including Evoluzione Publishing and Heavy Metal.
Official website here

Aside from colouring Cuddles, Shan Bennion mostly works freelance whilst working on their original concepts, all of which lean heavily into sci-fi/fantasy and thriller genres. They are currently working on an original graphic novel called If We Shadows.
Official website here


Children Of Earth & Sky

Written & Drawn by Manon Wright

Children of the Earth and Sky is a short story about an enigmatic ritual from the perspective of children living in two mirror societies. A traditional nomadic one set firmly on the ground and a hidden industrialised city floating 5,000 meters above them in the sky.

“…An assured debut; a tale of how one historical catalyst resulted in parallel cultural development that is thought-provoking and raises so many interesting questions for the reader to consider. A remarkably confident first long-form offering…” – Andy Oliver, Broken Frontier 2022

Manon is an illustrator who specialises in publishing design and sequential narratives. Her work can be dreamy and surreal; however, the themes at the heart of each story usually centre around empathy and understanding between people across cultures, classes and lived experiences. Her work has been enriched by an eclectic mix of inspirations, including mythology, folklore, film, politics, philosophy, and the people she's met in her travels.
She won the 2021 Thought Bubble Comics Creator Prize and is one of Broken Frontier’s 2022 Six to Watch.

Find her HERE



Written & Drawn by Nick Neocleous

Strange-Weird is an anthology of comic strips by Nick Neocleous. This 1st issue is 52 pages long and contains 7 different strips in a variety of genres. Each story has a beginning, middle and end, no long winded continuous story arcs, just simple fun. An issue 2 is in the works and almost completed.

Nick Neocleous has been around for a very long time. His spot illo's and strips can be found in comic fanzines of the 1970s. He has also done magazine illustrations, trading card art, book covers and a small bit of work for 2000AD. Most notably a 4pg strip in the 1979 Summer Special. If you wish to contact him he can be found on Facebook.


Sinavore #1

Written by Joshua Spiller
Art by Waugh, Shafi, Racicot

In time, the dinosaurs will be wiped out by a meteor crashing into the Earth. But not this one. Not yet.
It’s the age of the dinosaurs, and a strange emerald meteor is hurtling towards the Earth. At the same moment, a boy from the 21st century – Zeph – mysteriously falls from the sky, into the prehistoric past.
Trapped in this dazzling & dangerous new era, how will he survive? Who is the timid, frightened dinosaur he immediately encounters?
And, perhaps most importantly of all... how will the two of them outwit and defeat the terrifying tyrant of the land: the giant, evil, skeletal T-Rex known as Sina?

“There's a lot to love about this comic, from the storytelling to the art … <Actinic:Variable Name = 'It'/> shows why indie comics are incredible.” – Comic Book News UK
Writer Joshua Spiller has previously had comics published by Aces Weekly, ComicScene Magazine and Alterna Comics, and their work has been covered by A Place 2 Hang Your Cape, Comics for the Apocalypse, SciFi4Me TV, Downthetubes, and Indie Comix Dispatch.
They are also the author of a novel – a sci-fi thriller entitled ‘The 8th Emotion’, of which Alan Moore (Watchmen) wrote: “Joshua Spiller’s striking debut … marks the emergence of a fascinating fresh voice, and I urge you to feel it as soon as is possible.”

You can check out more of their work here

sinavore #1

Phase Two #1

Written By George Massey
Art by Day Slight

Phase Two is about a boy who wakes up in the afterlife - it isn't heaven, or hell, and it isn't purgatory either. Rather, he's lands in an unexpected place called Phase Two, where he learns that he has an important job to do. This should lead a reader to think 'Is life on earth Phase One? And if so, does something else come after Phase Two?' If that sounds complicated, it's certainly more simple in the comic book. I should add: follow up issues take turns that readers will (as of yet) likely be unable to predict...

Writer George Massey: George has been writing for more years than he cares to admit. He has some paperback books available on amazon, one of them being a collection of twenty short stories. He's written comic books since he was a child, but this is the first time he's collaborated with an artist to bring one to life. He also wrote a short screenplay some years ago that won a screenwriting competition and therefore gained funding from Film London. He collaborated with artists to make the short a two minute animated film, which beat 42 others in competition, was screened at the BFI and placed 2nd in the finals at Bafta (The Bafta cinema that is - not the award ceremony; although the competition was advertised on television's London Tonight.)

Artist Day Slight: Day Slight is a fine artist who previously worked in landscaping design. Designing real life structures lends itself to his art-style in a fairly unique way - i.e, very clean, clear and easy to follow imagery. He's avidly read comic books since he was a child, and doesn't stick to any one art style. If he finds an artist he loves, no matter what style they draw in, he pays attention. Most recently he's been hired to work in animation, doing storyboards and animatics for a popular 3D children's show (though the show is in 3D, his animatics and storyboards are drawn in good old fashioned 2D.)

Follow George and Day for more updates right at their Official Facebook Page

phase two #1

Establishing Shot #1

Written by Will O'Mullane
Drawn by Alfie Gallagher @alfiegallaghercreative ,Lane Lloyd @lanedoodlesgood, Edison Neo @neocomicart, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou @hassoe, Jonathan Stevenson @jm_stevenson, Daniel Romero @roomeroart, Clark Bint @clarkbintart, Butch Mapa @butchmapa, Alex Moore @alexmooreillustration

Warning! This comic features:

Sentient caption boxes!
An old guy with a flame thrower!
Ninja Santa Claus!

This two-in-one anthology features stories that range from the comedic and meta, to the hard-boiled and criminal, to some things exisiting in-between.

Will O'Mullane is a writer based in London, UK. He works in communications, and holds an MA in Modern and Contemporary Writing. When not making stuff, he likes to stress about leaving the oven on. You can follow him on @willomullane

establishing Shot #1

Snack Pack Bunch #1

Written by Lenny & Jamie
Drawn by Lenny

In a Nebula Far FAR away. Five disregarded sentient fast food snacks get caught up in the aftermath of a post apocalyptic derelict fast food restaurants misadventures.

From cannibal burger brothers to annoying ghost wizards that ruin parties come and join us by grabbing a copy!

Lenny is a doughy mess of a man, mostly found in a dark room alone making things and inhaling way too much resin from toy making. He is a motion graphic designer based in london

Jamie AKA "the mental void" a writer and movie extra actor based in london, currently training in the art of art and more art to give Lenny a helping hand with illustrating our comic!

Visit Lenny's store to support or grab yourself a collectable toy!
or follow them @snackpackbunch

snack pack bunch #1

Vicera, Cera

Written and Drawn by Claude T C

a high octane improvised adventure, as two absolutely knackered space traversing buds (immortal human, 4 armed alien engineer) are hounded by cyborgs with a really daft name.

Follow Claude on Twitter @captainclaude

vicera, cera

Bandit Cat Crew TP Vol 1

Written and Drawn by Tom Wilson

The evil Vanaris is free from his icy tomb! Hellbent on revenge and armed with a plan so fiendish he aims to destroy the gods themselves. The magical stone tablets created by his father make this all the more easy. Although, enemies from far and wide will stop at nothing to attain this power!

There's one thing that no one counted on... THE BANDIT CAT CREW! With their speed, cunning and power will they stand a chance against a would be god?! Only time will tell. Perhaps Vanaris will be the least of their worries.......

From creator Tom Wilson comes "Bandit Cat Crew" combining action, humour, magic, martial arts and supernatural suspense, these adventures will leave you clawing for the next issue!
Tom Wilson is an artist and creator from Manchester in the United Kingdom. Starting
out his career as a street artist, he quickly moved into developing story boards which built a strong passion for comic book art. Using his skill set brought him into teaching children and teenagers with difficult pasts. Allowing them to express themselves through the arts. He now works as a full time artist and self published writer.

"I've always enjoyed writing stories, and applying the strong colourful visuals that I grew up with, what I like to call "the golden age of Saturday morning cartoons!" I have been fortunate to teach and work with a variety of individuals from different walks of life, bringing us all together through the craft of art. I thank everyone that supports my journey as an artist and a writer. I am incredibly grateful, and I hope to expand my catalogue in an industry that is starting to recognise the independent creator. This is an exciting age of new storytellers.... The next generation of comics"

Tom Wilson currently writes two ongoing comic book series BANDIT CAT CREW and VICTOR VAMPS. Both titles under his own publishing house MERAKI COMICS.

Follow him on Instagram @merakicomics86

bandit cat crew


Written and Drawn by Vik Deluca

The much divided people of Earth find themselves unprepared when a race of alien warlords takes advantage of their shortsighted social and political conflicts to wage global war. The only hope for survival against the ultimate threat from outer space is to look within ourselves.... and hopefully find something weaponsable?!?

A short manga zine squeezed in 8 pages by aspiring writer and artist Vik Deluca (Daydreaming, Abrasive). Support him by purchasing a copy of Unity, all funds will go towards paying his lavishly expensive lifestyle.

Vittorio 'Vik' Deluca is a comic book artist and illutrator based in London, UK. During the day he manages the store you are on right now, during the night he keeps drawing and rewatching episodes of Attack On Titan over and over.

You can grab a copy of Unity and support him on his Instagram @vikdelucacomics


Lady & The Trump

When ex-Star Commando Bryn Starchaser is invited to the White House to teach Melania Trump English, he discovers that the Doomsday Clock is not the only thing creeping around midnight.
A 60page full colour space-time noir with cheese-dip faced dames, Venusian ghouls, mermen, psoriatic balls and, of course, the Trump family stump. Blood, sleaze and barftastic gags.
Rated X.

Barry has two ongoing series: The Fermenting Men, about heavy drinking and cosmic horror, and the sci-fi comedy Adventures of Bryn Starchaser, about an English teacher/ Star commando. He earns grey hair and mini-bucks as a teacher.
Follow him on Instagram at #NAME?

lady & the trump


Welcome to London 3026, the grimmest of futures. Meet Jon Sherlock, the sole survivor of bizarre experiments which sent others quite insane. Cybernetic implants have altered Jon's consciousness and gift him with the ability to hack into any electronic systems, but at a cost; he can feel the edges of his humanity collapsing. In an uncaring world the TechnoFreak numbs his pain with alcohol and cancer sticks, barely holding on to his sanity.
TechnoFreak is a combination of the best sci-fi and film noir. It's Blade Runner on acid, mixed with outrageous laugh-out-loud humour. This is one comic sensation not to be missed. Don't wait for the movie. Read the comic.

JOHN CHARLES is a professional comic book artist and colourist. He's been a graphic designer for Trident Comics, drawn/digitally painted covers and illustrated some Future Shocks for 2000AD, provided cover art for Antarctic Press and IDW in the U.S., and coloured Spectacular Spider-Man and a variety of other strips for Panini UK's Marvel Heroes comic. He also co-wrote a three-part story for them co-starring Spider-Man and the X-Men. John has lectured in comic book art at Staffordshire University on and off for several years. Most recently, he's been a regular colourist on Sinister Dexter and Judge Dredd for 2000AD. John likes custard and Bakewell tarts and beetroot and jacket potatoes, amongst other things.

BARRY MAY has written some things over the years, including the aforementioned Spider-Man / X-Men team-up (Spectacular Spider-Man 134 - 136) with John. He also worked with John to create the much-loved books 'Tiger J. Jackson and The School for Weird Kids,' and 'Kiri, the Fairy Barmaid.' In his spare time, he likes to make up words and use them invulcerously, though obviously not at weekends or in mixed company.

TOM NEWELL hails from Birmingham, UK. When he's not drawing comics he's reading them. After too many years of labouring jobs Tom has decided to follow his dream and become a comic artist! Tom is currently attending a cartoon and comic art degree course at Staffordshire University. Sunday Lunch Comics are expecting even greater things from Tom in the future. He's one to watch! NIKKI FOXROBOT has over ten years' experience of lettering and logo creation, including work for Dark Horse Comics, The Black Library/Games Workshop, and BSkyB. Despite the name, Nikki is not a robot, but she is a fox.

Follow their work at

TechnoFreak 1

Neon Gutter Cat

“Neon Gutter Cat” is a guided visual dream diary tour of the human subconscious, where the dreams attempt to relate and evaluate the depression and loneliness that we all face as members of humanity in a sometimes cold and cruel world.

Demitri Vassiliadis is an illustrator and Graphic Novelist from London, currently based in Tokyo, Japan. He draws inspiration from the unique urban landscapes, and the legions of people found between our industrial society. In his work characters in states of crisis inhabit dark, dreamlike worlds in which the line between the synthetic and natural is blurred beyond distinction. The environments are often characters in themselves, and themes of depression and loneliness are explored through horrific and surreal like imagery.

Follow his work at

They Live Again

A funnybook sequel to They Live (the 80's John Carpenter movie). Refusenik John Nada’s back and he’s still out of bubblegum. Together with his Mexican chum Caliber and Jamaican would-be girlfriend Precious, Nada battles Trump (a Venusian ghoul), Putin (a shapeshifting human booger) and a host of alien yuppies and critters.

Barry has two ongoing series; The Fermenting Men, about heavy drinking and cosmic horror, and the adventures of Bryn Starchaser, about an English teacher/ space commando. Like most people, he barely can afford to live in London.

Follow him on Instagram at #NAME?

they live again 1

Laserman #1

LASERMAN is the World's First Indian-American Superhero.

Created and copyrighted in 1985 by NYC public high school art teacher RAJIVE ANAND when he was just twelve years old, LASERMAN™ is the story of WILLIAM KHAN, a high school student from Jackson Heights, who, through a technological device, miraculously transformed into PURE ENERGY.

In an epic story of discovery and transformation that spans East and West, our young hero William realizes that he has the ability to travel on any form of communication- as pure energy- at the speed of light. He also fires a laser from his third eye- but at what cost to himself and to the
people he loves?

This comic reads like a classic, echoing the likes of Amazing Fantasy #15, and Rajive is an extremely enthusiastic creator, he brough Laserman to life with all his heart and sweat!

Follow the adventures of Laserman and his creator at

laserman 1


Mikey is a f*@k up, always has been. But when his estranged daughter, Laurie, gets back in touch after twenty years of f*@k all he thinks he;s got a second chance. But Laurie doesn't need a dad she just wants a getaway driver."


Jed McPherson is a comic writer. He's mostly known for Deadbeat: a neo noir thriller about a young woman reuniting with her deadbeat dad through armed robbery. He's also the mind behind Jacob - a serial killer webcomic which he assures us is 100% not autobiographical. But he doesn't just write crime comics he's also worked on The Show - a deranged reality-tv satire kind of like the Truman Show as envisaged by Hunter S. Thompson.

You can find him on his site
There are comics there you'll probably like it.

deadbeat 1

Hard Core Pawn

A pawnographic collection of thought provoking short stories of racism, gender politics, capitalism, alcoholism, refugees, terrorism, democracy and, above all, humanity, told not through human characters but instead chess pieces.

"Hard-hitting and occasionally outrageously just goes perfectly to show that politics and farce go hand-in-hand, but we all knew that right?" PAGE45.COM

Stevil's work is unashamedly political. He sees his art as a means of communication of information. Comics legend Jack Kirby once said "comics is journalism". But you won't find any superheroes here.

His artwork is more likely to be influenced by Woody Guthrie, Joe Strummer or Bruce Springsteen than other painters or illustrators. Though he loves Picasso and Jasper Johns. He used to love David Hockney until he disgracefully got into bed with The S*n.

He lives and works on a 70 year old wooden boat on the Thames.

E Mail Stevil at and find him at

hard core pawn 1

The Night After

The Night After: A 24 Hour Comic by Andy Williams an intriguing one-off story, completed in the space fo 24 hours, a tale of grief, loss, and possible redemption, told in stark black and white, with raw emotion on every page.

Andy Williams has worked on project "The Longest Comic Strip in the World" with Alan Moore and "Orrible Murders" with Neil Gaiman as well as Marvel UK and Savoy Books. He is currently a member of staff here at Mega City Comics.

Follow his work at

the night after 1

pigboy #1


The simple tale of a boy, his pig and all the horrors of this world.

Tom Blackford works as an illustrator and muralist in London.

His visual influences stem from a childhood immersed in drawing, watching horror movies whilst obsessed with animation and Japanese culture.
As a teenager in the early 90's he was drawn to the rising graffiti scene in London and the freedom of creative expression it offered, allowing him the opportunity to his artwork realised on a large scale.